Gamejam:  Boat in the Jam
Theme: "Power of 4"
Duration: 48 hours
- Me (Code & Postprocessing)
- Damian 'Damiang' Grabowski (Code)
- Ehon (Design & SFX & Art)
- Lucjusz 'Kyrkke' Rossed (Art)
- Martyna 'Chrupeck' Gniewek (Art)
- Anna 'Autori' Baranowska (Art)

Software: Unity

You're Oriel Horseman, an unicorn who got invited to 4TUNE, a corporation that has quite unique ways of estimating wages for their new employees. Will you be able to get enough money to make a living in a big city?

Varied controls - discover them yourself! Keyboard smashing is welcomed.
As mentioned in previous game, I wanted to go on a next gamejam with the team I was mentoring and we did! It's not the end of the story though, as some other gamejam veterans really enjoyed our previous game and wanted to create game together. Ehon and Kyrkee were awesome and most likely you will see me jaming with them more in the future.
This game actually won an audience award by majority of votes and was awesome to create! We had so much fun playing it and developing. Bożenka FTW!

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