Theme: Creating game from a letter
Duration: 30 days
- Me 
- Lucjusz 'Kyrkke' Rossed (Intro and logo art)
- 7withoutthe11 (Music)
- Elthen (Squirrel art)

Software: Unity, Photoshop, LMMS

A totally normal squirrel found a book in the forest one day. Upon reading it, he dashed in his intelligence and understood all the laws of physics and math which enabled him to learn teleportation!
Unfortunately, gaining another levels of realization has it's negative consequences...

Movement - A/D or LeftArrow/RightArrow
Aim - Mouse
Throw/Dash/Respawn - Space
Summon - R
Probably the most wholesome jam I've entered! I had amazing time talking with my santa and giftee and preparing this game as a gift. Did my best to fit into the letter and fortunately my giftee really enjoyed it :D

Here's the letter:
I'm one of the organizers of this jam, and I programmed the bot that allows you to read this. 
Here's some random trivia about me: 
I'm from the Netherlands. I make games and Discord bots. If you want to use my name for the main character, it's Daniël. Officially with an umlaut, but I'll forgive you if you do without. I don't really have a favorite game genre. Some of my favorite games are Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Harvest Moon, Cave Story, Dustforce and Risk of Rain 2. I like hard games where I need to improve my skill, where I need to repeat something multiple times until I get it right, like with Dustforce and Celeste. 
I like comfy games as well, like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing. I like factory games like Factorio, but they take so much time. A downscaled Factorio sounds fun. I like auto-battlers like Hearthstone Battlegrounds and Super Auto Pets. Often I don't care a whole lot about a game's story, unless it's filled with lots of humor. 
I like to draw sometimes. I like recreational mathematics like cellular automata and number theory (but not smart enough to understand most of it). I used to work as a garbageman. I can solve a Rubik's Cube in about 40 seconds. I collect retro games. I don't drink alcohol, and I love chocolate milk. Squirrels are my favorite animal. 
The past few weeks I've been doing voluntary work where I price and sort the books in a thrift shop. So many books! That said, I'm not really a reader. I use audiobooks instead. I hope you don't feel pressured because you of all people got me as your giftee (what are the odds?!). 
As long as you enjoy the experience I don't care what it is you make for me! Good luck!"

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