Theme: "Repair"
Duration: 48 hours
- Me (Graphics & Code)
- Andrzej Zabski (Code)
- Dawid Piech (Code & Graphics)
- Mateusz Srebnik (Music & Menu)
Software: Unity, Photoshop, Aseprite, LMMS

You are a space courier traveling through galaxies and delivering space food. Your ship has attachable panels where nodes like engines, sensors or shields can be dragged into. Manage your nodes to reach next destinations, but be aware that space isn't as safe as you suppose.

Left Mouse Button - Draging nodes

Another stationary game jam with friends. Amazing game with a huge lack of tutorial as it's probably one of my most creative games. As an inside joke, name of the game is both 12 and 14 parsec, as noone really knows xD
It's one of the games I've already started refactoring hoping to make a full game out of it.

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